Monday, December 31, 2018

커먼앱 에세이: Common APP Essay Sample - by homeworkvan

안녕하세요 homeworkvan 입니다 :)
2018년 마지막날인 오늘 때마침 타이밍이 좋게 Common App 관련 샘플을 올릴수 있는 기회가 생겨서 포스팅해드려요!

오늘은 사기꾼 Hee Suck Chung - 영문이름 Howard Chung 의 아들인 Josh Yeram Chung 의 Georgia Tech Common App Essay (한글로는 커먼앱 에세이) 샘플을 제공할수있게 도와주셨어요.

"안녕하세요하워드 정이라고 합니다.

저희 아들이 이번에 Early Action으로 4 학교에 지원할 예정입니다.

Application essay에 대해 컨설팅 요청드리고자 합니다.

시간과 비용을 알려주시면찾아뵈던지아니면 어떻게 진행하는 것이 좋을 지도 알려주시기 부탁드립니다.

잘 부탁드립니다.

Howard Chung 드림


사기꾼 Hee Suk Chung 이 보내준  Josh Yeram Chung 의 Resume 는 아래와 같았구요~
잘 써진 Resume 는 절대 아니였어요~;

샘플 특성상 자세한 부분을 모두 공유해야할것같아서 사기꾼 Hee Suk Chung 에게 제공받은 사기꾼 아들 Josh Yeram Chung Resume 도 같이 올려요.

Josh Yeram Chung


Seeking an internship to engage with the guest of varying ages to introduce, educate, and most importantly inspire the guests in science and science-related discipline to further their motivation toward the fields of science, technology, and medicine.

EDUCATION: Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology

                           Expected Graduation Date: May 2019

                           Relevant Courses:

·       Advance Placement Gifted Calculus: 2016-2017

·       Advance Placement Gifted Biology: 2016-2017

·       Advance Placement Gifted Statistic: 2016-2017

·       Scientific Research Gifted: 2016-2017

·       Computer Science Principles: 2015-2016

·       Accelerated Pre-Calculus Gifted: 2015-2016

·       Fundamentals Concepts of Engineering: 2015-2016

·       Application of Engineering: 2016-2017

·       Gifted Physics: 2015-2016

·       Gifted Chemistry: 2015-2016


Knowledge in:

·       AutoCad

·       AutoDesk Inventor

·       Java

·       LoggerPro

·       Microsoft Office

·       Korean Translation


Science Olympiad: 2012-2013; 2015-2017

Math Team: 2015-2017

American Math Competition 8: 2014

American Math Competition 10: 2014, 2016, 2017

American Invitational Math Examination: 2015 

·       Achieved the Certificate of Distinction from Mathematical Association of America

Engineering Honor Society: 2015-2017

Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association: 2014


Scientific Research :2016-2017

·        Research on the Production of Ethanol Using Various Concentration of Yeast and Glucose.


·       Job Shadow of Employees Researching New Methods of Treating Tumor Cancer in the Brain and Lungs Using Various Radioactive Isotopes.

Bridge Design

·       Research on Different Types of Bridges

·       Method of Joints: Mathematic Principles of Force Distribution on Bridge Members

·       Achieved 1034% Efficiency

8- Bit Game Creation

·       Created a Functional Playable Game Using Java and Greenfoot software.



Joshua Y. Chung


Geoffrey Freymuth

Physical Science

Jefferson Middle School

Champaign, IL

217-351-370 (ext. 1926)


Cheri Nations

STEM Enrichment

North Gwinnett Middle School

Sugar Hill, Georgia

그리고, 아들인 Joshua Yeram Chung 에 대한 간단한 Background 도 제공해주셨어요~

아들의 배경
과학과 엔니니어링 좋아함-  SAT subject test 둘다 만점
초등학고 4학년때 한국에서 이민
친구들과 친한 것도 좋지만 유듀브와의 공학연구 및 탐구시간을 혼자서 많이 즐김
독서보다는 실험과 테스트연구실험토론 검증 좋아함
어떤 문제의 원인을 끝까지 연구해서 원임 밝히는 것 좋아함
탐구심지적 호기심우수물리화락생물의 수학적 근거를 좋아함
신동은 아니지만 과학적 신비에 대한 관심과 엔지니어링적적 적용
초등학교때 할머니 백혈병으로 돌아가실 때 암세포 죽이는 초 미세로봇 만들어서 할머니 살리고자 꿈꾼일
친구들과 경쟁적으로 프로젝트 성공한 것
조지아의 과학경진 대회에서 10번 정도 학교를 위해 기여한 것
탐구정신개척정신호기심아픈사람에 대한 동정가난한 사람을 위한 엔지니어링 목표
창의적이고 열심히 하는 태도남들을 배려하는 정신이 뛰어남

그리고, 사기꾼 Howard Chung 님이 제공해준 Georgia Tech Common App 질문은 총 7개였구요~
질문은 아래와 같이 보내주셨어요.

저희가 샘플로 작업 도와드리기로한 부분은 5번 질문이었어요~!
Q5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Common App 에세이의 샘플 작업을 하기 위해서 제공받은 자료는 Joshua Yeram Chung 의 Background & Resume 부분이 모두 다 였구요~

받은 자료 베이스로 Prompt Q5 에 맞춰서 모두 지어드렸어요 :)

여기서 팁을 드리자면, 좋은 퀄리티의 Common App 을 작성하기 위해선, 최대한 자세하게 본인 스토리 및 정보를 제공해주셔야하시는점이에요~ Joshua Yeram Chung 의 케이스처럼 기본적인 정보만으로 작성을 하게 될 경우에는 아래의 샘플과 같이 개인적인 스토리를 반영하는데 한계가 있는점 참고해주세요!

좋은 Common App 을 작성하기위해선 개인의 자세한 스토리라인이 갖쳐줘야한다는부분 꼭 명심해주세요! :) 그래야 더 유니크한 커먼앱 에세이를 완성하실수있으세요!

그럼, Q5.에 맞춰서 작성한 Common App Essay 공유해드릴게요~!
Common App Essay - 커먼앱 에세이가 어떻게 작성되는지 궁금하신분들에게 아주 좋은 샘플이 될것같아요 :)

아래 커먼앱 에세이 샘플 잘 참고하시고, 원하시는 대학교에 꼭 붙으시길 바랄게요!

Common App: Science in Our Lives

Science is an essential concept in our daily lives as it makes life easier, meaningful, and fascinating. It is a field of study that I have always admired because of its emphasis on experimentation, rationalization, observation, and prediction. I consider science as the backbone of human progression and prosperity because of the growth and development of social, economic, and environmental aspects of human lives in the recent centuries as a result of science. For instance, science has contributed to new developments and inventions in medicine, communications, transportation, information, and has become a crucial component in solving problems facing the society. The world today is plagued by a plethora of challenges such as climate change, finding alternative methods for sustainable energy supply, and identifying ways to provide adequate food or water for an increasing population. Since the domain of science has helped shape the past and the present, it offers a means to transform our shared future for the better.

Looking back at my education so far, I can arrive at the conclusion that I am passionate about conducting experiments, tests, research, and contributing to discussion that spur critical thought. All these activities are key steps in the scientific method. While the constant innovation and discovery over the past century may give an illusion everything has been invented, the challenges that face the modern world effectively counter this narrative. My passion for science is based on the fact that it tries to explain a finding or the intention of a phenomenon. With this in mind, the study of scientific disciplines promotes rigorous research activities to help individuals gain skills that are in high demand within the job market.

More importantly, the scientific method focus on logical explanations for every discovery; hence, instilling the importance of logic and critical thinking. The absence of an understanding of logic and scientific principles has contributed to an anti-science movement that threatens the continued progress of the human race. For instance, a growing number of parents refuse to vaccinate their children despite the well-established scientific evidence over decades that demonstrate the health risk posed by such decisions. Such individuals commonly debate thoughts and opinions against scientific facts without the realization that these facts have been arrived at through a messy and rigorous process of testing different ideas and collecting evidence. These thoughts and opinions are peddled as “alternative facts.” While I am cognizant that science has its weaknesses, the world we live in today is evidence enough that science and the scientific method presents as the best solution to understand our complex world. Science seeks to inspire debate and consensus regarding these questions we have regarding our world. By applying the right theories founded on evidence and unquestionable logic, it is possible to change the mindset and set beliefs that lack facts to support a concept.

My passion for science is not only fueled by the need to acquire skills important for advancing humanity, but also the practical application that arise from the practicing scientific principles. Unfortunately, my grandmother died of leukemia when I was in elementary school. Her death was painful since in our community, the extended family plays a big role in a child’s upbringing. In this case, my grandmother was a second parent who took care of me when my parents were away at work, and provided comfort and care without any expectation of return. As she slowly wasted away due to the disease in her final years, I remember naively perusing various science books in the library attempting to arrive at a treatment. At the time I did not fully understand her disease, but I thoroughly believed science would present a solution. One of the ideas I came up with was to design an ultra-fine robot, which can destroy cancer cells to save a life. I elicited some laughs upon presenting this solution to my friends and family with the idea being termed as fiction. However, recent news are abound with talks on nanotechnology with some researchers identifying solutions of combating disease that are remarkably similar to what I had come up with. Accordingly, science has helped bridge the gap between fact and fiction. Science and the scientific method not only grows existing knowledge and skills, but it also develops practical solutions to the myriad of problems threatening the existence of humanity.

In the context of solutions to humanity’s challenges, I like science since it inspires creativity through the act of critical thinking and critique that make up part of the scientific method. If you could ask anyone to identify a creative individual, many of those polled would quickly point to an entertainer or artist as evidence of a creative person. If you would asks the same group whether a Nobel Prize winner can be classified as creative, you would receive a chorus of no’s from the group. Solving problems through scientific research demands a high level of creative thought. For instance, scientific creativity inspired coded communication through telegraph lines; speech communication through telephone lines; and verbal, symbolic, and textual communication conveyed wirelessly. As observed in this example, scientific creativity has not only imagined solutions for clear challenges but also imagined possibilities that serve to innovate on established inventions. The challenge of long distance communication was solved through the invention of the telegraph. However, scientific creativity was at the heart of progressing communication from the outdated telegraph to the modern smartphone. My passion for science inspires me to develop critical thinking skills that would allow me to be a part of the global community innovating and inventing the future world.   

My good performance in science subjects is proof that I am hardworking and my curiosity to build a robot that can destroy cancer cells shows my enthusiasm on the subject. Furthermore, I have managed to participate in almost ten science contests, and I am proud to represent my high school in such endeavors since it provides me with an opportunity to understand concepts better, gain new knowledge, and engage in conversations with like-minded people. I look forward to joining a university that will help me broaden my skills towards an integrative approach to the advancement of scientific research.

추가적으로 Georgia Tech 에서 요구한 Short Answer 부분도 같이 제공해드려요.
샘플 필요하신분들에게 꼭 필요했으면 좋겠네요 :)
참고로, Georgia Tech's Short Answer 또한 사기꾼 하워드 정의 아들 Joshua Yeram Chung 의 정보 베이스로 적어드린부분이니 참고해주세요 :)

그럼 예시 잘보시고 좋은 결과 있으시길 바랄게요!

Why do you want to study your chosen major at Georgia Tech, and how do you think Georgia Tech will prepare you to pursue opportunities in that field after graduation? (250 words)

As I was looking for a university that would provide my desired major and help me attain my academic and career goals, Georgia Institute of Technology stood out to me among the rest. The reason for this consideration is because not only has the college been consistently ranked among the country’s top ten engineering institutions, but also the college is the largest producer of engineering degrees awarded to women and underrepresented minority students according to the American Society of Engineering. To me, the latter speaks volumes about the type of institution that Georgia Tech is, and for me, it’s more than just having somewhere that I can study but also somewhere where I am confident I would feel at home.

The program at Georgia Institute of Technology is suited for my goals because the college provides a curriculum that is not only practical but also very hands-on. Secondly, I was intrigued to learn that Georgia Institute of Technology is highly ranked in engineering research and development. I value this a lot because I am inherently curious about how things work and have a keen mind in applying what I learn to solve real-world problems. To me, engineering is one of those fields that address the most impactful issues in the world, and I firmly believe that the college will give me an excellent opportunity to expand my horizons and realize my dreams. 

In our application review, we want to get to know you better. One way to do that is to understand a typical day for you. Please describe your typical day. (250 words)

A typical day for me starts at around 6 a.m. The first thing I do is to meditate. I sit down, get comfortable and meditate for roughly around ten minutes. Meditation is a habit that my mother got me into and I have found it to be a very useful tool when it comes to making sure that my thoughts are not all over the place. If I am dealing with something, whether it’s at school or at home, then I find that I am able to take a step back before reacting and really think about how I want to deal with that situation. I finish of my meditation with a prayer, and that is a way of setting my intentions for the day. I find that professing what exactly I want to achieve during the day makes it easier to maintain my focus at school. After I’m done meditating, I’ll get ready for school and the better part of the day will be spent at school. I get back at around four and this is when I get to either work on current projects or research on interesting engineering projects that I can work on. To be honest, the practical aspect of Engineering is what excites me the most and YouTube has been one of my greatest allies. After I am done, I’ll spend the rest of my hours helping my siblings with their homework, catch up with family and friends, and planning my next day.    

아래는 늘 제공하고있는 Plagiarism Report 이구요~
Originality 참고해주시면 될것같아요 :)


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