Sunday, January 6, 2019

*Homeworkvan* Writing 전문 튜터 서비스 시작합니다!

=========2019년부터 영어 Writing 전문 튜터 서비스를 시작합니다=========

안녕하세요. Homeworkvan 입니다 :)

영어 Writing 튜터문의를 많이들 주신 관계로 2019년 부터 전문적으로 Writing만 튜터서비스를 시작하게 되었습니다.
단, Writing 튜터 서비스는 저희가 제공하는 가이드라인 및 수업교재를 통해서만 진행되고있으니 다른 서비스와 오해 없으시길 바랍니다.
튜터서비스는 기본적인 Writing 실력 향상부터 학업에 필요한 Academic Essay 까지 Writing Skill을 단기간에 향상 시켜드리는것을 주 목표로 진행 되어지며, 본인의 레벨에 맞춰서 Writing 수업이 진행되어집니다.
올바른 Writing의 향상을 위해서는 많은 반복적인 연습을 필요로 하며, 숙련된 Writing 전문가의 지도가 필요합니다.
저희 튜터서비스를 통해서 원어민 레벨 수준의 한층 업그레이드된 실력으로 자신의 생각을 표현하시는 방법을 배우실 수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다.
수업은 온라인으로 진행되며, 본인이 직접 작성한 페이퍼를 토대로 진행됩니다.
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전문가의 완벽한 페이퍼를 롤 모델로 삼아 반복적으로 연습하시는 방법이 천천히 Writing 을 습득하는 기존의 방식보다는 단기간에 올바른 실력을 향상시킬수 있다는게 저희 튜터서비스의 큰 장접입니다.

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Exploratory Essay: Technology in the Classroom Essay Organization Key and Justification Sample - by Homeworkvan

안녕하세요 :)
이번 포스팅에서는 앞서 업데이트해드렸던 Exploratory Essay 에 관련된 가이드라인, Justification, 그리고 Organization Key 를 업데이트해드릴거에요 :)

어떤 가이드라인 토대로 작성되었는지, 그리고 작성된 에세이가 어떠한 이유로 잘 작성되어있는지를 설명도와드릴거에요 :)

Exploratory Essay Organization Key 도 같이 올려드리니, 참고하시면 좋을것같아요!


Exploratory Essay: Technology in the Classroom Essay Organization Key and Justification Sample: 탐구 에세이 샘플 해독키


The aim of the explanatory essay is to provide the points of view on a particular topic. It is important that instead of trying to convince your reader, you must simply explain the topic from a neutral perspective and clear up any confusion the reader may have. In this case, write an explanatory essay on the reasons for the adoption of technology in the classroom setting, and describe the different viewpoints on the issue. Support your essay using scholarly sources.

This essay will consist of three parts:

The first draft of this paper will be full outline of your essay.

The final draft will be a explanatory essay that explains the different perspectives on the topic.  


  • Full outline draft
  • 5 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • APA format and citation
  • Minimum 5 scholarly sources. 


The essay is a good model for an explanatory essay for several reasons

1.       Tone
This essay adopts a neutral tone and does not attempt to defend on particular position regarding the adoption on technology. Instead, it approaches the topic from multiple perspectives and seeks to inform the audience rather than convince the audience. 
2.       Essay Mechanics
The essay is logically arranged into 3 key section: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion sections.  While the introduction does not have a thesis statement, it still provides a brief overview on not only the adoption of technology in the classroom but the different perspectives. Moreover, each body paragraph covers a specific view on the topic with a topic sentence and concluding sentence in place for each paragraph. Finally, the conclusion ties up the essay by summarizing the major positions. 
3.       Coherence
Foremost, coherence is achieved by having each argument have its own specific paragraph. Secondly, coherence is achieved by using transition phrases such as “however”, moreover” to connect ideas or sentences within a paragraph. Finally, the essay ensures each body paragraph ends with a brief conclusion to provide a transition from one paragraph to the next.

Organization Key: 

Topic Sentence
Concluding Sentence

Technology in the Classroom

            Over the years, technology has significantly improved every aspect of the human life from health care to agriculture. Inevitably, technology has permeated the learning environment and has become a critical component in the provision of quality education (Soykan, 2015). In the context of this explanatory essay, the focus is on technology as an enabler of the learning process by improving access to learning resources, improving the learning environment and enhancing communication and interactions between the teacher and students with different learning needs. Some of the technologies that have found use in teaching include projectors, electronic whiteboards, computers, video conferencing, mobile learning, 3D printing and many more (Lavin, Korte, & Davies, 2011). Stakeholders in the education sector agree that technology enhances the learning process by improving the efficacy of different teaching methods. Stakeholders in the education system include, but not limited to policy makers, administrators, educators, teachers, parents, students, and the society at large. Initially, some stakeholders in the education sector were cynical about introducing technology in the learning environment. They perceived it as an unwanted development in education which undermined the learning process by disrupting the attention of the students. However, emerging findings have squashed these fears by demonstrating an improvement in quality of the learning processes coupled with a notable improvement in student’s overall performance (Couture & Murgatroyd, 2012). As a result, there exists a consensus among the stakeholders that technology improves access to a wide range of learning resources, consequently improving the quality of education.

            Teachers play an important role in the learning process as they guide the students using different learning tools to enable them to grasp different concepts in subjects they pursue in school. A growing number of teachers are embracing technology in the classroom to enhance the learning process by ensuring the students have access to quality learning materials. There was a time teachers vehemently protested the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Today, many teachers encourage students to use their smart phones to conduct additional research. Over the years, mobile phones have developed from simple communication devices primarily meant for sending text messages and making calls to mini-computers capable of accessing the Internet. The ubiquitous nature of smartphones and laptops has also made distant learning possible by improving remote interactions between the students and the teacher. According to Sad and Goktas (2014), the majority of the teachers interviewed agreed that technology improved the effectiveness of teaching. They were able to contact students enrolled in distant learning more efficiently at any time anywhere. Essentially, technology has a positive impact on the teacher’s ability to teach and quality of the teaching.  

Besides supporting the use of technology in class, most teachers assert that the school administration should provide devices to students instead of allowing the students to bring their own devices. Essentially, install desktops in class in order to eliminate the need for the students to carry their laptops to class. According to Al-Zeidieyeen, Mei and Fook (2010), most of the students carry laptops to class followed by Chromebooks, tablets, and mobile phones. These technological devices have become an invaluable resource of learning for both the students and the teachers. However, teachers assert that the use of technology is most effective when a mix of electronic and conventional learning resources such as printed books are combined. Therefore, conventional teaching methods should not be completely abandoned as they contribute the student’s learning process.  

The adoption of technology in the classroom provides a more rich learning experience for students. A study conducted by Eskil, Ozgan and Balkar (2010) on the impact of classroom technology in students behavior revealed that technology improves learning and the students now expect it in their classrooms. Technology should be commonplace in learning institutions as it enables learning through stimulations. The students asserted gaining rich stimulations when using learning technologies as compared to conventional teaching methods. The more the students are exposed to stimulations in the education-instruction atmosphere, the more their learning becomes easier. Access to technology in the classroom improves the students’ ability to conduct independent research as well as query and evaluate new concepts (Eskil, Ozgan, & Balkar, 2010). As a result, students with access to learning technologies in the classroom are developing into individuals who think, ask and discover. Besides the positive effects on the students’ performance, technology use in the classroom ignites a positive attitude towards teaching (Lavin, Korte, & Davies, 2011). The conventional approach of a teacher leading the learning process using traditional teaching tools like blackboards pales in comparison to technology-aided learning. For instance, 3D printing has made it easy for students to study science subjects because it gives a vivid explanation of concepts through 3D models of different layers and colors. In concise, using technology in classroom increases the intelligibility of the lessons.

The adoption of technology in the classroom is aligned with the interests of parents to provide a stronger foundation for learning among their children. A study conducted by Soykan (2015) investigating the use of tablet computer in education revealed that parents perceive technology as improving the quality of education. Some of the abilities noted were the capacity to repeat lessons anytime, provision of communication between teacher and student independent of time and space, time-saving, ability to use internet as a resources, increased motivation and making lessons more fun. Moreover, the parents stated that access to the Internet enables the students to conduct research and have all the information at their hands (Soykan, 2015). Moreover, parents also think that technology is of great importance in today’s world, hence access at school will improve their technology proficiency. The findings also indicated that parents support the use of technology in the classroom to improve English literacy because most technologies use English as the primary language (Saran, Seferoglu, & Cagiltay, 2009). In essence, the parents perceive technology as enabling learning by helping the students have access more learning resources on the Internet in addition to improving the technology-use proficiency.

            Despite the high prices and occasional technical problems that affect technology use in the classroom, technology is effective in increasing motivation of the students and creating a conducive environment for advanced learning. I concur with teachers that technology in the classroom enables the transfer of many visual materials in computer environment. This is besides enabling effective use of these materials as coursework materials to save time in class. In most cases, technology adds visual element to the learning process and provides advantages and convenience in teaching subjects which are difficult to learn otherwise (Couture & Murgatroyd, 2012). I also believe that technology use in the classroom increases the learning speed of students as a result of the interactions and visual aids provided by technology. The efficiency of teaching experienced by the teachers leads to ripple benefits for the students. The use of technology in the classroom helps the students to learn faster and have fun whilst at it. These observations highlight the importance of incorporating different technologies in the classroom environment.

            Students often gain more from their learning when using classroom technologies than relying on conventional learning approaches. The students are able to interact with various concepts through hearing, seeing, touching, and learned subject matter. Moreover, technology in the classroom provide material richness by sourcing more resources on the Internet. The Internet is awash with learning resources with broader and deeper coverage of concepts learnt in class. As a result, the students can receive complementary learning in the absence of a teacher by relying on the Internet. It is worth emphasizing that technology use in the classroom improves the comprehension of complex scientific concepts by enabling the students to perform experiments better. This is besides supporting collaborative learning as students and the teacher have access to a wide variety of digital communication tool to engage in discussion even after class. I also concur with the parents’ perspective that technology increases students’ motivation in addition to making learning more fun.

            The use of technology in learning environments is supported by teachers, parents as well as the students. The benefits outweigh concerns that technology may cause disruptions in class. On the contrary, technology is the classroom is an enabler of the learning process as it provides access to a wide variety of learning resources in addition to assisting students grasp complex concepts through stimulations. Technology not only improves communication between the student and the teacher, but also helps to foster strong interpersonal bonds. It also motivates the students because they can have fun whilst learning. Moreover, parents believe that technology enhances the capacity to repeat lessons anytime, provision of communication between teacher and student independent of time and space, time-saving, ability to use internet as a resources. Finally, it makes it easier for the teachers to disseminate information to students with varying learning capabilities. Technologies such as 3D printing teachers to model complex concepts in order to enable the students to understand it in their own way. 


Al-Zeidieyeen, N. J., Mei, L. L., & Fook, F. S. (2010). Teachers’ attitudes and levels of technology use in classrooms: the case of jordan schools. International Educational Studies, 3(2), 211-218.

Couture, J.-C., & Murgatroyd, S. (2012). Rethinking School Leadership – Creating Great Schools for All Students. Edmonton: FutureThink Press / Alberta Teachers’ Association.

Eskil, M., Ozgan, H., & Balkar, B. (2010). Students' Opinions on Using Classroom Technology in Science and Technology Lessons: A Case Study For Turkey (Kilis City). The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(1), 165-175.

Lavin, A. M., Korte, L., & Davies, T. L. (2011). The impact of classroom technology on student behavior. Journal of Technology Research, 1-13.

Sad, S. N., & Goktas, O. (2014). Preservice teachers' perceptions about using mobile phones and laptops in education as mobile learning tools. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45, 606–618.

Saran, M., Seferoglu, G., & Cagiltay, K. (2009). Mobile assisted language learning: English pronunciation at learners’ fingertips. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 97-114.

Soykan, E. (2015). Views of students’, teachers’ and parents’ on the tablet computer usage in education. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 10(3), 228-244.

The following is PLAGIARISM REPORT for '[탐구 에세이 샘플 해독키] Exploratory Essay: Technology in the Classroom Essay Organization Key and Justification Sample - by Homeworkvan'.

COPYRIGHT © 2019. All Rights Reserved by homeworkvan.

Friday, January 4, 2019

[탐구 에세이 샘플] Exploratory Essay: Technology in the Classroom Essay Sample - by Homeworkvan


이번 포스트에서는 Exploratory 에세이 아웃라인에 이어서 Exploratory Essay 샘플을 올려 드릴거에요!

주제는 Technology in the Classroom 에 관련해서 탐구 에세이를 작성하였구요~
저번 포스트에서 작성했던 Exploratory Essay Outline 베이스로 작성하였어요 :)

혹시, Exploratory 에세이 관련 과제 받으시거나 Exploratory Essay 를 어떻게 적어야하는지 궁금하신분들은 참고 하시면 좋을것같아요! 그럼 한번 읽어보시고 학업에 많은 도움 되시길 바랄게요! 더 궁금하신 사항있으시면 언제든지 저희 이메일로 연락주세요!

모두 새해복 많이 받으세요 :) Happy New Year!

Exploratory Essay Sample: 탐구 에세이 샘플

Technology in the Classroom

            Over the years, technology has significantly improved every aspect of the human life from health care to agriculture. Inevitably, technology has permeated the learning environment and has become a critical component in the provision of quality education (Soykan, 2015). In the context of this explanatory essay, the focus is on technology as an enabler of the learning process by improving access to learning resources, improving the learning environment and enhancing communication and interactions between the teacher and students with different learning needs. Some of the technologies that have found use in teaching include projectors, electronic whiteboards, computers, video conferencing, mobile learning, 3D printing and many more (Lavin, Korte, & Davies, 2011). Stakeholders in the education sector agree that technology enhances the learning process by improving the efficacy of different teaching methods. Stakeholders in the education system include, but not limited to policy makers, administrators, educators, teachers, parents, students, and the society at large. Initially, some stakeholders in the education sector were cynical about introducing technology in the learning environment. They perceived it as an unwanted development in education which undermined the learning process by disrupting the attention of the students. However, emerging findings have squashed these fears by demonstrating an improvement in quality of the learning processes coupled with a notable improvement in student’s overall performance (Couture & Murgatroyd, 2012). As a result, there exists a consensus among the stakeholders that technology improves access to a wide range of learning resources, consequently improving the quality of education.

            Teachers play an important role in the learning process as they guide the students using different learning tools to enable them to grasp different concepts in subjects they pursue in school. A growing number of teachers are embracing technology in the classroom to enhance the learning process by ensuring the students have access to quality learning materials. There was a time teachers vehemently protested the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Today, many teachers encourage students to use their smart phones to conduct additional research. Over the years, mobile phones have developed from simple communication devices primarily meant for sending text messages and making calls to mini-computers capable of accessing the Internet. The ubiquitous nature of smartphones and laptops has also made distant learning possible by improving remote interactions between the students and the teacher. According to Sad and Goktas (2014), the majority of the teachers interviewed agreed that technology improved the effectiveness of teaching. They were able to contact students enrolled in distant learning more efficiently at any time anywhere. Essentially, technology has a positive impact on the teacher’s ability to teach and quality of the teaching.  

Besides supporting the use of technology in class, most teachers assert that the school administration should provide devices to students instead of allowing the students to bring their own devices. Essentially, install desktops in class in order to eliminate the need for the students to carry their laptops to class. According to Al-Zeidieyeen, Mei and Fook (2010), most of the students carry laptops to class followed by Chromebooks, tablets, and mobile phones. These technological devices have become an invaluable resource of learning for both the students and the teachers. However, teachers assert that the use of technology is most effective when a mix of electronic and conventional learning resources such as printed books are combined. Therefore, conventional teaching methods should not be completely abandoned as they contribute the student’s learning process.  

The adoption of technology in the classroom provides a more rich learning experience for students. A study conducted by Eskil, Ozgan and Balkar (2010) on the impact of classroom technology in students behavior revealed that technology improves learning and the students now expect it in their classrooms. Technology should be commonplace in learning institutions as it enables learning through stimulations. The students asserted gaining rich stimulations when using learning technologies as compared to conventional teaching methods. The more the students are exposed to stimulations in the education-instruction atmosphere, the more their learning becomes easier. Access to technology in the classroom improves the students’ ability to conduct independent research as well as query and evaluate new concepts (Eskil, Ozgan, & Balkar, 2010). As a result, students with access to learning technologies in the classroom are developing into individuals who think, ask and discover. Besides the positive effects on the students’ performance, technology use in the classroom ignites a positive attitude towards teaching (Lavin, Korte, & Davies, 2011). The conventional approach of a teacher leading the learning process using traditional teaching tools like blackboards pales in comparison to technology-aided learning. For instance, 3D printing has made it easy for students to study science subjects because it gives a vivid explanation of concepts through 3D models of different layers and colors. In concise, using technology in classroom increases the intelligibility of the lessons.

The adoption of technology in the classroom is aligned with the interests of parents to provide a stronger foundation for learning among their children. A study conducted by Soykan (2015) investigating the use of tablet computer in education revealed that parents perceive technology as improving the quality of education. Some of the abilities noted were the capacity to repeat lessons anytime, provision of communication between teacher and student independent of time and space, time-saving, ability to use internet as a resources, increased motivation and making lessons more fun. Moreover, the parents stated that access to the Internet enables the students to conduct research and have all the information at their hands (Soykan, 2015). Moreover, parents also think that technology is of great importance in today’s world, hence access at school will improve their technology proficiency. The findings also indicated that parents support the use of technology in the classroom to improve English literacy because most technologies use English as the primary language (Saran, Seferoglu, & Cagiltay, 2009). In essence, the parents perceive technology as enabling learning by helping the students have access more learning resources on the Internet in addition to improving the technology-use proficiency.

            Despite the high prices and occasional technical problems that affect technology use in the classroom, technology is effective in increasing motivation of the students and creating a conducive environment for advanced learning. I concur with teachers that technology in the classroom enables the transfer of many visual materials in computer environment. This is besides enabling effective use of these materials as coursework materials to save time in class. In most cases, technology adds visual element to the learning process and provides advantages and convenience in teaching subjects which are difficult to learn otherwise (Couture & Murgatroyd, 2012). I also believe that technology use in the classroom increases the learning speed of students as a result of the interactions and visual aids provided by technology. The efficiency of teaching experienced by the teachers leads to ripple benefits for the students. The use of technology in the classroom helps the students to learn faster and have fun whilst at it. These observations highlight the importance of incorporating different technologies in the classroom environment.

            Students often gain more from their learning when using classroom technologies than relying on conventional learning approaches. The students are able to interact with various concepts through hearing, seeing, touching, and learned subject matter. Moreover, technology in the classroom provide material richness by sourcing more resources on the Internet. The Internet is awash with learning resources with broader and deeper coverage of concepts learnt in class. As a result, the students can receive complementary learning in the absence of a teacher by relying on the Internet. It is worth emphasizing that technology use in the classroom improves the comprehension of complex scientific concepts by enabling the students to perform experiments better. This is besides supporting collaborative learning as students and the teacher have access to a wide variety of digital communication tool to engage in discussion even after class. I also concur with the parents’ perspective that technology increases students’ motivation in addition to making learning more fun.

            The use of technology in learning environments is supported by teachers, parents as well as the students. The benefits outweigh concerns that technology may cause disruptions in class. On the contrary, technology is the classroom is an enabler of the learning process as it provides access to a wide variety of learning resources in addition to assisting students grasp complex concepts through stimulations. Technology not only improves communication between the student and the teacher, but also helps to foster strong interpersonal bonds. It also motivates the students because they can have fun whilst learning. Moreover, parents believe that technology enhances the capacity to repeat lessons anytime, provision of communication between teacher and student independent of time and space, time-saving, ability to use internet as a resources. Finally, it makes it easier for the teachers to disseminate information to students with varying learning capabilities. Technologies such as 3D printing teachers to model complex concepts in order to enable the students to understand it in their own way. 


Al-Zeidieyeen, N. J., Mei, L. L., & Fook, F. S. (2010). Teachers’ attitudes and levels of technology use in classrooms: the case of jordan schools. International Educational Studies, 3(2), 211-218.
Couture, J.-C., & Murgatroyd, S. (2012). Rethinking School Leadership – Creating Great Schools for All Students. Edmonton: FutureThink Press / Alberta Teachers’ Association.
Eskil, M., Ozgan, H., & Balkar, B. (2010). Students' Opinions on Using Classroom Technology in Science and Technology Lessons: A Case Study For Turkey (Kilis City). The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(1), 165-175.
Lavin, A. M., Korte, L., & Davies, T. L. (2011). The impact of classroom technology on student behavior. Journal of Technology Research, 1-13.
Sad, S. N., & Goktas, O. (2014). Preservice teachers' perceptions about using mobile phones and laptops in education as mobile learning tools. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45, 606–618.
Saran, M., Seferoglu, G., & Cagiltay, K. (2009). Mobile assisted language learning: English pronunciation at learners’ fingertips. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 97-114.
Soykan, E. (2015). Views of students’, teachers’ and parents’ on the tablet computer usage in education. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 10(3), 228-244.

The following is PLAGIARISM REPORT for '[탐구 에세이 샘플] Exploratory Essay: Technology in the Classroom Essay Sample - by Homeworkvan'.


COPYRIGHT © 2019. All Rights Reserved by homeworkvan.