Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Academic Essay Tutorial - Chapter 4: General Essay Outline - by homeworkvan

Chapter 4: General Essay Outline

ALL ESSAYS should follow the below general structure.

A.    Introduction

The introduction paragraph of an essay consists of three broad parts:

                                    Hook + Background + Thesis Statement

a.     Hook
Introduce the essay by capturing the reader's attention with a quote or interesting statement (Hook/lead). The hook or lead-in may be a

  1. a paradox
  2. an arresting statistic
  3. a shocking statement
  4. a question
  5. a quotation  
NOTE: You must cite the quotation if you use this hook. Avoid using quotes if you cannot provide a proper reputable citation.

  1. a relevant story
  2. a description

b.     Background Information
Follow it up with building your case using logic. Essentially, support your introductory sentence using background info on the topic or subject.

c.      Thesis Statement
Finalize the introduction paragraph with a thesis statement. The thesis statement does not indicate the purpose of the essay but the position of the author and a description of the topic.

What is your argument? Where do you stand on the issue?

The thesis statement should communicate the issue and main talking points in the body paragraphs.

The three-point thesis statement is a popular method that surmises your position into three main points that indicate your argument. The three points should also be the three strongest points in your paper and a surmised version of the topic sentence of three body paragraphs.  

Try to avoid starting the thesis statement with:

“This paper will....” OR “This essay will....” For example
·       Bad Thesis Statement >>>>'This essay looks into the key causes and effects of global warming.

Instead, communicate the strongest points in your paper. 
·       Better thesis statement >>>'Global warming presents a significant issue in modern society and thus requiring an exploration into the causes of global warming and its damaging effects on the environment.'

NOTE: In Academic papers, it’s usually considered redundant to include the heading “Introduction” since the first paragraph of every single essay is always the introduction. However, you will need to include the heading, ‘Introduction’ for reports and anything with a table of contents.

B.    Body

Similar to the introduction, the body paragraphs also have a particular format made up of 4 large parts:

            Topic Sentence + Evidence + Analysis + Evidence2 + Analysis2… + Concluding sentence

NOTE: The evidence+analysis portions are collectively known as presenting your argument. 

a.     Topic Sentence or Lead-in Sentence
Since each paragraph discusses a particular point, the topic sentence communicates the position of the paragraph. I am supposed to know the arguments make in the paragraph by reading the topic sentence. Do not mix multiple topics in a single paragraph. 

b.     Presenting your argument
After stating the topic sentence, the next step is to present your argument. When you present your argument, you will give your evidence and analyze it. 

                          i.          Evidence
This part is either a real-life example, hypothetical example, or a citation from a secondary or primary source that supports the topic sentence. It should be specific and appeal to the reader through the three main persuasion paradigms (ethos, pathos, logos)

                        ii.          Analysis
This part is an explanation of the example or citation. Explain, how is it relevant to the topic sentence?

NOTE: It should note that the Evidence and Analysis portions are interchangeable. You could either give evidence then explain it (Evidence+Analysis) or Give a statement then provide supporting evidence (Analysis+Evidence)

c.      Concluding Statement
To achieve coherence, there must be a sentence that provides a transition from one paragraph to the next. Finalize the paragraph with a concluding statement that ties up the whole paragraph together (summary) and precludes the next paragraph. Avoid using citations/Evidence as your concluding statement.

NOTE: When writing your essay, you should start with your strongest point/argument as the first paragraph and the weakest point/argument as the last body paragraph.

C.    Conclusion

The conclusion is also made up of three parts:

Restated thesis or position + Summary + Conclusion or Takeaway

a.     Restated Thesis
Restate thesis statement using different words from the beginning. For instance, the thesis statement written earlier can revise to

The rise in global warming has necessitated an investigation into the causes and effects of global warming in the world.

Remember to stress the importance of thesis statement.

b.     Summary

Follow it up by summarizing the three main points in your paper or more depending on the page length.

c.      Takeaway

Finish it up with a concluding statement that ties up the whole paper. As a reader, what should I take away from the essay? Write a powerful or memorable statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

NOTE: Never introduce new information in the conclusion.

NOTE: Do not mix multiple topics in a single paragraph.

NOTE: In Academic Papers, the heading “Conclusion” avoids since I should know it is a conclusion because you are summarizing the info. However, for longer paper (7 Pages+) you can use the heading conclusion for both APA and MLA papers. 


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Sunday, November 19, 2017

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