많으신 분들이 학교입학에세이는 어떻게 써야햐사는지 궁금해 하셔서 오늘은 SOP 에 대한 샘플을 올릴 예정이에요 :)
얼마 전, 서비스 신청하셨다 찾아 가지 않으신 분이 있어서 어떻게 할까 생각하다가,
입학 에세이에 대해서 궁금하신 분들이 참고하실수 있도록 블로그에 올리기로 결정했어요.
문의주시고 찾아가지 않으신 분께도 미리 양해 구하고 올리는 거니까 참고해주세요 :)
입학 에세이에 대해서 궁금하신 분들이 참고하실수 있도록 블로그에 올리기로 결정했어요.
문의주시고 찾아가지 않으신 분께도 미리 양해 구하고 올리는 거니까 참고해주세요 :)
아래 PART I - 한글버전은 의뢰주실 때 보내주셨던 한글 버전이에요 :)
샘플은 참고하실 수 있게 빨간 박스 안에 있는 1번 질문만 올리도록 할게요.
PART I - 한글버전
학교에서 요구하는 질문은:
제공해셨던 내용만으로 350자를 채우기에는 내용이 너무 부실했구요~
PART I 은 주신 내용을 베이스로 SOP 진행해보았어요~
아래는 최종본이니 한번 읽어보시고 참고해보시길 바랄게요 :)
-PART I 은 문의를 주셨다가 찾아가지 않으신 분의 한글버전 정보 베이스로 진행을 도와드린 입학에세이 샘플이구요~
-PART II 는 General 하게 쓰일수있는 SOP를 저희가 임의로 Make It Up 해서 진행한 입학에세이 샘플이에요!
두가지 샘플 모두 다 참고해서 보시면 좋을것같아요 :)
아래는 최종본이니 한번 읽어보시고 참고해보시길 바랄게요 :)
-PART I 은 문의를 주셨다가 찾아가지 않으신 분의 한글버전 정보 베이스로 진행을 도와드린 입학에세이 샘플이구요~
-PART II 는 General 하게 쓰일수있는 SOP를 저희가 임의로 Make It Up 해서 진행한 입학에세이 샘플이에요!
두가지 샘플 모두 다 참고해서 보시면 좋을것같아요 :)
1. Describe
an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively
influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts
over time.
Among my
many life experiences, none has been as influential in imparting leadership
skills as compared to my experience taking up Taekwondo. I am a Taekwondo third
rank, black belt. To get to my current rank, I underwent rigorous training that
required utmost discipline. Accordingly, Taekwondo taught me perseverance. As a
leader, I am cognizant that I will face various difficulties. However, I have
the perseverance and continuous drive mentality that Taekwondo instilled in me
to never give up.
as a third rank black belt, I have been able to train children on the art of
Taekwondo at a local Taekwondo academy. I was a Taekwondo instructor for five
months, during which I was able to hone my leadership skills. Moreover, there
were times I would allow older students to coach the younger students. This, in
turn, taught me how to delegate roles as a leader and give others a chance to
show leadership. While training and working in the Taekwondo field in the
United States, I have had the pleasure of meeting people from different
cultural backgrounds. Teaching Taekwondo to a diverse group of students has
taught me the importance of appreciating diversity as a leader. At the same
time, Taekwondo taught me how to be courteous and respectful to others. These
lessons I continue to practice in my daily life.
Taekwondo taught me the importance of controlling my focus. This has been a
valuable lesson I have applied as a leader to help me avoid distractions and
achieve the hard tasks in front of me. Overall, I've been lucky enough in my
life to have some great opportunities and experiences through Taekwondo. The
tenets of leadership I have learned through Taekwondo work together to
reinforce each other and make me a better leader.
Describe an example of your leadership experience in
which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or
contributed to group efforts over time (300 words).
Service, a passion for developing others and getting them in line for the
benefit of a group or organization is what I believe leadership should
be about, and the heights I consistently desire to attain. My father put all
his effort for our benefit and always ensured he exuded an aura of authority
while still being relatable. I subconsciously acquired similar traits and took
up the responsibility of managing individuals while ensuring that they feel
like they have a listening ear.
Over the last several years, I have
been fortunate to engage myself in various scenarios that required my
leadership input. The situation I resonate with the most was when I was tasked with being a peer tutor to a group
of five students at my former high school. Since I had a strong grasp of
mathematical concepts, I could deliver lessons in a manner relatable to my
peers. In the beginning, they were unmotivated and completely distrusting in my
capabilities. I began applying my leadership ability in resource allocation and
critical thinking to produce learning schedules and identify areas for improvement respectively. Following,
I motivated them by offering praise to improve their self-confidence and using
student experiences to attach personal meaning to the study material. I am glad
to say that they were all successful in their final exams leading to an average
rise of 1.2 points in their GPAs.
Seeing people develop into the best
versions of themselves is something that I am most passionate. I not only want
to see an individual prosper, but even organizations and systems around me and
I believe that is what leadership is all about. A strong leader ensures that
they can obtain the best out of a person
for not only their own sake, but also for
the sake of relevant stakeholders.
마지막으로, SOP 진행하실 때는, 본인 스토리를 최대한 클리어하고 조리있게 표현하시는게 제일 중요하시구요~ 그리고, Prompt 에 맞춰서 답변 하시는거 잊지 말아주세요! :)
입학에세이 준비하시는 분들께 조금이나마 도움 되셨으면 좋겠구요~!
샘플 읽어주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다! :)
PS. Plagiarism Report 가 8%인 이유는 질문부분때문에 그러하니 참고부탁드려요 :)
The following is PLAGIARISM REPORT for 'Admission Essay: SOP SAMPLE (입학 에세이) - by homeworkvan'.
PART I - Plagiarism Report
PART II - Plagiarism Report
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