Tuesday, November 5, 2019

[아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 1] IELTS Writing Chapter 1 - by Homeworkvan

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북미 유일한 Legit 업체 Homeworkvan 입니다!
요즘 바쁘다는 이유로 업데이트를 너무 못했네요 ㅠ
최소 한달에 2개정도는 꾸준히 올릴려고하는데도, 오더가 많다 보니 개인 시간이 너무 없네요.. ㅠ

오늘은 아이엘츠 시험 관련해서 포스팅 도와드릴거에요~!
IELTS 시험은 북미에서 고등학교를 안나오신 경우, 북미대학교에서 입학하실때 주로 요구하는 시험중에 하나에요~

IELTS 에서도 여러 분야로 세분화 되어있는데, 다른 분야들은 온라인으로 지도를 할수 없는 관계로, 저희는 영문 라이팅이 전문 분야이다보니, 아이엘츠 Writing 에 집중해서 샘플 올리도록 할게요~!

아래 스크린샷을 보시는거와 같이 보통 IELTS Writing 시험은 60분안에 치뤄지고있어요~
그렇기 때문에, 어느 질문이 나와도 당황하지 않고 본인 라이팅 실력을 발휘하는게 제일 중요하세요.
대학교 영어 시험은 데드라인이 여유롭기때문에 시간에 대한 압박이 없지만, 토플이나 아이엘츠같은경우는 Timed 이기때문에 시간적으로 오는 압박을 잘 이겨내셔야 하세요~ 

아무쪼록, 오늘은 총 4개의 Tasks 의 대한 샘플을 올려드릴거에요~
아이엘츠 시험 준비 하시는 분들께 어떤 식으로 적어야 점수가 잘나오는지 샘플 보시고 많은 도움 됬으면 좋겠어요!

아래 샘플들은 아이엘츠 만점 기준이라고 보시면 되세요!

그럼 시작해볼게요!

Q1. 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 1 - 첫번째 Task 질문:

A1. IELTS Writing - Chapter 1; First Task Answer:

The two tables illustrate the sales figures for Fairtrade-labelled tea and pineapples in five different European nations in the years 2010 and 2015. One of the main features is that the sales figures of Fairtrade-labelled tea tend to increase in all five countries. In both Germany and Norway, sales increased by 0.2 million, a relatively small amount compared to the other countries. For instance, the increment in Australia doubled, whereas France experienced an even more substantial increase from 2.5 to 21 million euros. Another main feature is that the Fairtrade-labelled pineapples sales rose in only three out of the five countries. It is worth noting that Austria experienced the largest increase, 16-48 million euros, compared to the Netherlands and France whereby sales increased from 1.6-5 million and 2-6-5 million euros respectively. On the other hand, Norway and Germany both experienced a decline in sales. A comparison of the two tables shows that Fairtrade-labelled tea sales range between 1.8-4 million euros while pineapple sales ranged between 1.6 and 3 million euros, with the exception of Austria. Moreover, sales figures for both Fairtrade-labelled tea and pineapples experienced increments with the exception of Germany and Norway, which both experienced a decline in pineapple sales.

Q2. 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 1 - 두번째 Task 질문:

A2. IELTS Writing - Chapter 1; Second Task Answer:

Dear Sir,

My name is homeworkvan, and I hired a Toyota Yaris with the registration number 6TRJ244 from your Los Angeles office for a duration of two weeks. Unfortunately, I was involved in a minor accident that was caused by a vehicle running a red light and ramming my car from the side, leaving significant damage on the driver’s side.

I informed the police immediately, and they recorded all the details. A case of running a red light was filed against the driver, and fortunately for me, the other party’s insurance company will cater for all the repair costs. As it stands, I will take care of the repairs and claim the cost later from the insurance company. If you need any further information, feel free to reach me on 626-502-7953.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused and accept to pay the compensation if any.
Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Q3. 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 1 - 세번째 Task 질문:

A3. IELTS Writing - Chapter 1; Third Task Answer:

According to environmental experts, humans have less than two decades to address global warming or risk suffering catastrophic consequences. With this in mind, some people believe that global warming should be addressed on an individual level whereas others maintain that governments and corporations should be responsible since they have the capacity to make more meaningful change. This essay will discuss both these views and come to an opinion.

Since everyone contributes to global warming through cumulative impact, some people contend that there are vital contributions that can be made on an individual level. Some of the suggested ways that people can reduce their carbon footprint include reducing the use of non-degradable products, taking public transport and even eating less replacing meat from their diets with plant-based proteins such as grains and pulses. The basis of this approach is that large-scale changes in consumption will influence corporations to switch to more sustainable production methods. 

On the other hand, some argue that individual action is insufficient in itself to make a difference, and therefore, it is only governments and large businesses that can make a difference. Reports have shown that just 100 companies are responsible for more than 70% of global emissions and taking this into consideration, some people argue that it should be governments and corporations that need to take responsibility for curbing carbon emissions. With this in mind, corporations are expected to reduce carbon emissions and the government is expected to implement policies that compel corporations to act sustainably. 

In conclusion, I am of the view that the focus on how individuals can stop climate change is very convenient for large businesses, and more so considering that they are the biggest contributors to global warming. This is not to say that individuals cannot or should not do what they can where possible but it should not deflect attention from the real perpetrators and those with the most power to make significant changes. 

Q4. 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 1 - 네번째 Task 질문:

A4. IELTS Writing - Chapter 1; Fourth Task Answer:

Over the past couple of decades, more and more countries have allowed women to serve in their armed forces, and this has often sparked heated debate. Critics of women joining the military frequently contend that a mixed-gender force would lack cohesion and that women cannot match men’s physical and mental stamina. However, I fundamentally agree with the proponents of women joining the military because ability is more relevant than gender, it widens the applicant pool, and women have crucial skills that can be useful in the battlefield.

First, women deserve a chance to join in the military because gender becomes irrelevant when an applicant is able to meet qualifying criteria. Serving in the military is very demanding; however; if there are women who can meet the same training standards, then they should be allowed to join. 

Second, women should be allowed to serve because it keeps the military strong, especially considering the falling retention and recruitment rates. Allowing women to join the armed forces widens the applicant pool, and this guarantees not only that the armed forces are served by willing individuals but also that there is a deep pool from which to choose individuals with the best range of skills. 

Third, women should be allowed to serve because they possess a range of skills that are more effective in some circumstances.  For instance, there are various delicate jobs that are best suited to women because they possess key interpersonal skills that allow them to navigate cultural differences better than men. 

In conclusion, the debate around whether women should serve should not focus on physical strength, but instead on whether women meet the qualifying criteria and whether they could make the military more effective. 


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