Tuesday, February 25, 2020

[아카데믹 아이엘츠 에세이 라이팅 챕터 2] Academic IELTS Essay Writing Chapter 2 - by Homeworkvan

안녕하세요 :)
바쁘다는 핑계로 오늘 2020년 첫 포스팅 올려요!
1주일 뒤에는 Psychology 페이퍼 에세이 관련해서 포스팅 도와드리도록 할게요 :)
심리학 전공하시는분들께 도움 되실거에요!

오늘은 저번 포스팅에 이어서 간단하게 아카데믹 아이엘츠 시험 관련해서 두번째 포스팅 도와드릴거에요~!
Academic IELTS 시험은 유학생들의 영어 실력을 검증할수있는 하나의 Tool 이라고 보시면 될것같아요!
여러 대학교에서도 입학하실때 아카데믹 아이엘츠 점수를 요구를 많이 하고있어요.
그리고 Academic IELTS 랑 일반 IELTS 랑은 차이가 있어요!
아카데믹 아이엘츠가 일번 아이엘츠보다 훨씬 난이도가 더 어렵다고 보시면 될것같아요 :)
대학교에서 요구하는 기본적인 영어실력은 갖춰져야하기때문에 일반 아이엘츠보다는 문제 난이도가 더 어려워요.
그래서 저희는 아카데믹 아이엘츠를 기준으로 샘플 작성도와드릴거에요!
아카데믹 아이엘츠 라이팅 및 에세이에 대해서 궁금하셨던 분들은 저희 포스팅을 통해서 조금이나마 도움이 되셨으면 좋겠어요.
그리고 샘플들은, minimum 글자수에 맞춰서 진행된점도 인지해주시고 봐주시길 바랄게요! :)

아래 스크린샷을 보시는거와 같이 보통 Academic IELTS Writing 시험은 보통 문제들이 40분 혹은 20분안에 치뤄지고있어요.
라이팅 수업이 중요한 이유는, 어느 주제가 나와도 자기의 주장을 Advanced 라이팅 실력으로 적으셔야 점수가 잘나오신다는점 꼭 명심 해주세요.
그렇기때문에, 영어는 원어민의 표현방법으로 배우셔야 실력이 쑥쑥 올라가세요!
그럼 챕터 2 시작해보도록 할게요 :)

Q1. 아카데믹 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 2 - 첫번째 Task 질문:
이번문제는 40분안에 완성하셔야하시는 문제에요!

A1. Academic IELTS Writing - Chapter 2; First Task Answer:

News consumption — whether through traditional or modern sources of media — is a daily habit for billions of people around the globe. What is interesting, however, is that a majority of young people around the world have lost interest in traditional sources of information such as reading newspapers or watching the news on television. With this in mind, it is worth exploring why traditional media has lost appeal amongst the younger generations, and what solutions can be applied.  

In today’s digital age, the younger generation is no longer dependent on television on print media for news and information. In as much as reading newspapers or following news on TV is a great way to get the current day’s news, these options are not always the most feasible for young people who are always on-the-go. 

Moreover, traditional media formats such as newspapers and news programs are not as appealing as digital formats that are brief and to the point. Younger people do not find news and newspapers appealing because they are presented in a format that is tailored towards an adult audience. At a time when digital sources provide bite-sized information, a long, winding story might seem exhausting. 

That being said, some of the online sources of news are neither credible nor reliable. With this in mind, parents and teachers should take it upon themselves to encourage the younger generation to read newspapers and newspapers and news channels should make effort to present news in a manner that will appeal to younger people. 

To conclude, traditional media such as newspapers and news programs are losing appeal amongst the younger generation because they are not presented in an easy-to-digest format and there are more convenient ways to access information. The possible solutions include media houses tailoring their content towards their younger audience and parents and teachers encouraging them to engage with these traditional media sources. 

Q2. 아카데믹 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 2 - 두번째 Task 질문:
이번문제는 40분안에 완성하셔야하시는 문제에요!

A2. Academic IELTS Writing - Chapter 2; Second Task Answer:

Over the recent past and thanks to technological advancements in telecommunication, modern communications such as texting, emailing and social media are starting to replace traditional means of communication such a letter-writing. In this digital era, texts and emails come more naturally to people compared to putting pen to paper. With this in mind, some people claim that it is no longer necessary to write a letter these days since modern communications develop dramatically. However, in as much as modern communication is fast and convenient, I do not entirely agree with the opinion because letter-writing has a personal touch that modern communication will never have. 

The world today is fast-paced, and therefore it is important to be able to keep up. Thanks to modern communication, distance is no longer an issue as one can chat with another person from the other end of the globe in seconds. Thanks to the many telecommunication devices connected to Internet, it is much easier and more convenient to maintain contact with each other regardless of the distance. 

Nonetheless, just because there are faster and more convenient means of communication does not mean that it is no longer necessary to write letters. From my experience, there is a personal touch attached to letter-writing that does not come with modern communications. There is always something special about knowing that the sender took their time to write a letter – whether it’s an invitation, apology or thank-you letter among others. 

           In conclusion, although modern ways of communicating play a crucial role in our society, it is really important to keep handwritten letters alive because they possess a personal touch.

Q3. 아카데믹 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 2 - 세번째 Task 질문:
이번문제는 20분안에 완성하셔야하시는 문제에요!

A3. Academic IELTS Writing - Chapter 2; Third Task Answer:

Dear Sir,
I am writing to inform you that I have recently been offered the research analyst position in your company and I am very grateful for the opportunity. It is, however, with deepest regret that I must decline your offer.

I have high regard for your company and especially for the efforts towards sustainable production and environmental conservation. I appreciate the time you took to check my online resume and for considering me for the position. I was honestly very flattered when I received the offer.

Although your offer is competitive, it is not enough for me to move from my current organization. I am happy with my achievements and role at the moment, especially taking into consideration that I recently received a promotion. Moreover, I am leading an important project and, therefore, am not able to accept your otherwise munificent offer.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours faithfully,

Q4. 아카데믹 아이엘츠 라이팅 챕터 2 - 네번째 Task 질문:
이번문제도 20분안에 완성하셔야하시는 문제에요!

A4. Academic IELTS Writing - Chapter 2; Fourth Task Answer:

The line graph illustrates the relative price changes for fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets, and carbonated drinks between 197 and 2009. In addition, the chart shows the overall trend in consumer-price index in this same period. From the graph, it is evident that in as much as consumer-price index increased steadily over the aforementioned period, the same cannot be said for the various food products. For instance, fresh fruits and vegetables rose briefly between 1979 and 1983 then experienced a decline in 1984 then continued rising till 1988 whereby it experienced another decline. Unlike consumer-price index, fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar and sweets and carbonated drinks, all experienced periodic fluctuations. Nonetheless, the prices increased for the three groups despite the periodic fluctuations. For instance, fresh fruits and vegetables increased from roughly around 60 to more than 300, making it the food product that experienced the highest increase in relative price changes. 

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